Jessica (a.k.a. Maid of Might) is a cosplayer, comic book fan and all around geek. She has been going to the same comic book store since she was five years old and has grown up loving the colorful characters who are the inspiration for her cosplay journey! Jessica says that bringing your favorite characters and inspirations to life is an unbelievable feeling.
Her title “Maid of Might” is a nod to her favorite hero, Supergirl. Her comic store family gave me the nickname Supergirl when she first walked through the door in Kindergarten and the love for Kara grew alongside her. Supergirl was Jessica’s very first cosplay in 2010 and is still very much a favorite character. She keeps the name Maid of Might as a constant reminder of where she comes from and why she chooses to cosplay.
She truly hopes her journey inspires many others to follow their passions and do what they love.