Vivid Vivka
Vivid Vivka is a one-woman virtuoso of all things geeky.
She is an accomplished and seasoned cosplayer, specializing in detail work. She’s a video-game fanatic, Magic the Gathering obsessed, has a long list of Waifus. She has been a model for SuicideGirls, Cosplay Deviants, and many other websites, and currently has her own very popular Patreon. She has been seen on Celebrity Apprentice, been in music videos and CD covers for Steel Panther and more, been written about in Maxim, been featured in and on the cover of multiple Cosplay Culture Magazines, and has been interview about Cosplay is not Consent and Body Positivity by Vice Magazine. She cosplays characters from every fandom (such as Mad Moxxi, Harley Quinn, BellDandy, SpiderGwen, Diablo’s Witch Doctor, Dva, armored Dementor…), but also designs her own original characters. She loves to film other cosplayers to make Convention Cosplay reels for her ever-growing YouTube channel.
She is an accomplished and seasoned cosplayer, specializing in detail work. She’s a video-game fanatic, Magic the Gathering obsessed, has a long list of Waifus. She has been a model for SuicideGirls, Cosplay Deviants, and many other websites, and currently has her own very popular Patreon. She has been seen on Celebrity Apprentice, been in music videos and CD covers for Steel Panther and more, been written about in Maxim, been featured in and on the cover of multiple Cosplay Culture Magazines, and has been interview about Cosplay is not Consent and Body Positivity by Vice Magazine. She cosplays characters from every fandom (such as Mad Moxxi, Harley Quinn, BellDandy, SpiderGwen, Diablo’s Witch Doctor, Dva, armored Dementor…), but also designs her own original characters. She loves to film other cosplayers to make Convention Cosplay reels for her ever-growing YouTube channel.