Cristina Vee is a Los Angeles based voice actress, director, and producer. In animation, she is known as Sailor Mars in Sailor Moon, Hawk in The Seven Deadly Sins, Killua in Hunter x Hunter, Darkness in Konosuba, Homura Akemi in Madoka Magica, Meiko in Digimon...
Kayli Mills
Kayli Mills Kayli grew up in multiple towns in the UP of Michigan. As a child, she was frequently relocated, but in middle school, she found comfort and friendship in creating song covers, writing and voice acting online. After years of chasing her dream, you can hear...
Faye Mata
Faye Mata From pro gamer to pro voice actor, Faye Mata is an advocate of chasing dreams. Her most notable roles include Aqua (Konosuba), Astolfo/Rider of Black (Fate/Apocrypha), Yukako Yamagishi (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), and Lulu (League of Legends). She is also...
Kira Buckland
Kira Buckland Originally from Alaska, Kira Buckland got her start voice acting for online projects, and later moved on to voice a variety of roles in anime, most notably Umi in Love Live, Julis in The Asterisk War, Izumo in Blue Exorcist, Kuroyukihime in Accel...