Cherami Leigh, a talented American voice actress born on July 19, 1988 in Dallas, Texas, has made a significant impact in the world of anime and video games. Her journey began in 2004 with her role as Sae Kashiwagi in "Peach Girl," and from there, she became a...
Sword Art Online
Bryce Papenbrook
Bryce Papenbrook - Inosuke Hashibira,Bryce Papenbrook - Marugori,Bryce Papenbrook – Eren Jaeger,Bryce Papenbrook- Kirito
Cassandra Lee Morris
Cassandra Lee Morris is an award-winning voice actor who has brought over 100 characters to life for video games, anime and animation. Some of her fan-favorite roles include Morgana in Persona 5, Elora the Fawn in Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, Sarah Hotep in Fortnite:...